
Lexical tokens

Premon ignores C-style comments, delimited by /*...*/ or line-delimited comments starting //.

The following are keywords:

central fn let local proc rec return val
Premon identifiers are either alphanumerics (strings including a-z, A-Z, digits and underscore beginning with a letter) or symbolics (strings made up of the following characters):
! # $ & * + - . / : < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ | ~
For example the phrase `f_1=++([[y]])' consists of tokens:
f_1 = ++ ( [[ y ]] )
Premon literals are strings delimited by "..." or '...', integers or doubles.

Simple expressions

Simple expressions are:

All identifiers used in a simple expression must be typed, either in the context or the constructors. For example the graph:
is given by the expression:
print ('What is your name?');
print ('Hello, ' ^ read () ^ '.')
with the constructors:
proc print (string);
proc read() : string;
val ^ (string,string) : string;


As well as simple expressions, we can bind variables. The simplest form of declaration binds a variable, for example we can change the above graph slightly:

by declaraing a variable for the user's name:
print ('What is your name?');
let name:string = read();
print ('Hello, ' ^ name ^ '.')
Variables can be used more than once in an expression, introducing forks into the resulting flow graph, for example four ways to write the same expression are:
(1 + 1) * (1 + 1) let x:int = (1 + 1);
let y:int = 1;
let y:int = 1;
let x:int = (y + y);

Variables can also be declared but never used. This can result in disconnected subgraphs, for example:

let y:int = 1;
let x:int = (y + y);

Premon functions can return more than one result, so let-expressions can bind more than one variable. For example the function coords takes a point and returns its coordinates as two floating point numbers:

val coords (point) : (double,double);

We can find the distance between two points as:

let (x1:double,y1:double) = coords (p1);
let (x2:double,y2:double) = coords(p2);
    let x:double = x1-x2;
    let y:double = y1-y2;
    sqrt ((x*x) + (y*y))

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