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public class Graph0UTurnR

(source file: Graph0UTurnR.java)

The pure class interface.
public class Graph0UTurnR
  extends Graph0
A graph with an empty source interface, and a target interface split into two equal-sized interfaces. The graph is drawn by drawing a `uturn' which looks like an inverted C.

Constuctor Index

O Graph0UTurnR(Constraints, Interface, Interface, Interface)
Create a U-turn graph (the three interfaces should have the same size).


O draw(Drawer)


O Graph0UTurnR
public Graph0UTurnR(Constraints C,
                    Interface botI,
                    Interface horizI,
                    Interface topI);
Create a U-turn graph (the three interfaces should have the same size).

C - the constraint set.
botI - the lower target interface.
horizI - an interface of horizontal variables, which determines where the left of the U-turn is.
topI - the upper target interface.


O draw
public void draw(Drawer d);

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