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public abstract class Graph1

(source file: Graph1.java)

The pure class interface.
public abstract class Graph1
  extends Drawable
A graph with a control line.

Alan Jeffrey
Version: v1.0 1998/06/11

Constuctor Index

O Graph1(Constraints, Interface, Interface, int, int)
Create a new graph.

Variables Index

The constraints of the graph.
O bot
The variable for the bottom of the graph.
O controlIn
The variable for the position of the incoming control line.
O controlOut
The variable for the position of the outgoing control line.
O left
The variable for the lhs of the graph.
O right
The variable for the rhs of the graph.
O source
The interface at the lhs of the graph.
O target
The interface at the rhs of the graph.
O top
The variable for the top of the graph.


O pad()
Pad the graph a bit.


O Graph1
public Graph1(Constraints C,
              Interface source,
              Interface target,
              int controlIn,
              int controlOut);
Create a new graph.

C - the constraint set.
source - the incoming interface.
target - the outgoing interface.
controlIn - the incoming control line.
controlOut - the outgoing control line.


O left
public int left;
The variable for the lhs of the graph.

O right

public int right;
The variable for the rhs of the graph.

O bot

public int bot;
The variable for the bottom of the graph.

O top

public int top;
The variable for the top of the graph.


public Constraints C;
The constraints of the graph.

O source

public Interface source;
The interface at the lhs of the graph.

O target

public Interface target;
The interface at the rhs of the graph.

O controlIn

public int controlIn;
The variable for the position of the incoming control line.

O controlOut

public int controlOut;
The variable for the position of the outgoing control line.


O pad
public Graph1 pad();
Pad the graph a bit.

this graph, with extra space at the left and right.

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