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public class GraphicsGrapher

(source file: GraphicsGrapher.java)

The pure class interface.
public class GraphicsGrapher
  extends Grapher
An implementation of the Grapher class which draws to a graphics context. Note that graphers use PS coordinates (ie bottom = 0 not top = 0).

Constuctor Index

O GraphicsGrapher(Graphics, int, int)
Create a new grapher.


O black()
O blue()
O close()
O drawArrow(int, int, int, int)
O drawCircle(int, int)
O drawDot(int, int)
O drawLine(int, int, int, int)
O drawRectangle(int, int, int, int)
O drawText(int, int, String)
O drawUTurn(int, int, int, int)
O purple()
O red()


O GraphicsGrapher
public GraphicsGrapher(Graphics g,
                       int maxX,
                       int maxY);
Create a new grapher.

g - the graphics context to draw to.
maxX - the maximum x coordinate.
maxY - the maximum y coordinate.


O drawLine
public void drawLine(int llX,
                     int llY,
                     int urX,
                     int urY);

O drawArrow

public void drawArrow(int llX,
                      int llY,
                      int urX,
                      int urY);

O drawRectangle

public void drawRectangle(int llX,
                          int llY,
                          int urX,
                          int urY);

O drawText

public void drawText(int x,
                     int y,
                     String text);

O drawCircle

public void drawCircle(int x,
                       int y);

O drawDot

public void drawDot(int x,
                    int y);

O drawUTurn

public void drawUTurn(int bot,
                      int left,
                      int top,
                      int right);

O black

public void black();

O blue

public void blue();

O purple

public void purple();

O red

public void red();

O close

public void close();

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