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public class PremonEnvironment

(source file: PremonEnvironment.java)

The pure class interface.
public class PremonEnvironment

A class which contains the `environment' of a Premon applet.

A premon applet is called with four arguments:

This information is stored as a parsed syntax tree, and as a desugared and typechecked syntax tree.

In addition, the current font and font metrics are stored, as well as the graph (as a constraint set) and the solution to the constraints. These allow the graph to be drawn.

Alan Jeffrey
Version: v1.0 1998/06/02

Constuctor Index

O PremonEnvironment(Applet)
Initialize the fields.

Variables Index

O constructors
The sugared constructors.
O constructorsDesugared
The desugared constructors.
O context
The sugared context.
O contextDesugared
The desugared context.
O d
The graph as a constraint set.
O isRed
Should the graph contain a control line?
O s
The solution to the constraints.
O term
The sugared term.
O termDesugared
The desugared term.
O textFont
The text font for the graph.
O textFontMetrics
The text font metrics for the graph.


O PremonEnvironment
public PremonEnvironment(Applet parent);
Initialize the fields.

parent - The applet which created the context (necessary in order to get the parameters and find the fonts).


O context
public PremonJJTCon context;
The sugared context.

O constructors

public PremonJJTCon constructors;
The sugared constructors.

O term

public PremonJJTExp term;
The sugared term.

O contextDesugared

public PremonCon contextDesugared;
The desugared context.

O constructorsDesugared

public PremonCon constructorsDesugared;
The desugared constructors.

O termDesugared

public PremonExp termDesugared;
The desugared term.

O isRed

public boolean isRed;
Should the graph contain a control line?

O textFont

public Font textFont;
The text font for the graph.

O textFontMetrics

public FontMetrics textFontMetrics;
The text font metrics for the graph.

O d

public Drawable d;
The graph as a constraint set.

O s

public Solution s;
The solution to the constraints.

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