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public class PremonJJTParser

(source file: PremonJJTParser.java)

The pure class interface.
public class PremonJJTParser
  implements PremonJJTParserTreeConstants, PremonJJTParserConstants
The class of parsers for the Premon language. This parser is created using Sun's JJTree AST generator.

Constuctor Index

O PremonJJTParser(Reader)
O PremonJJTParser(PremonJJTParserTokenManager)
O PremonJJTParser(InputStream)
O PremonJJTParser(String)
Create a new parser.

Variables Index

O jj_nt
O jjtree
O token
O token_source


O Cat()
O Con()
O ConAtom()
O Dec()
O DecAtom()
O DecNonAtom()
O Exp()
O ExpApp()
O ExpAppInfix()
O ExpAtom()
O ExpBlock()
O ExpComp()
O ExpLiteral()
O ExpTuple()
O Id()
O Pat()
O PatTuple()
O ReInit(Reader)
O ReInit(PremonJJTParserTokenManager)
O ReInit(InputStream)
O Type()
O TypeTuple()
O disable_tracing()
O enable_tracing()
O generateParseException()
O getCon()
O getExp()
O getNextToken()
O getToken(int)
O parseCon()
Parse a context.
O parseExp()
Parse an expression.


O PremonJJTParser
public PremonJJTParser(String s);
Create a new parser.

s - the string to parse.

O PremonJJTParser

public PremonJJTParser(InputStream stream);

O PremonJJTParser

public PremonJJTParser(Reader stream);

O PremonJJTParser

public PremonJJTParser(PremonJJTParserTokenManager tm);


O jjtree
protected JJTPremonJJTParserState jjtree;

O token_source

public PremonJJTParserTokenManager token_source;

O token

public Token token;

O jj_nt

public Token jj_nt;


O parseExp
public PremonJJTExp parseExp()
  throws ParseException;
Parse an expression.

an expression parsed from the input stream.
ParseException -thrown if there is a parse error.

O parseCon

public PremonJJTCon parseCon()
  throws ParseException;
Parse a context.

an expression parsed from the input stream.
ParseException -thrown if there is a parse error.

O getExp

public final PremonJJTExp getExp()
  throws ParseException;

O getCon

public final PremonJJTCon getCon()
  throws ParseException;

O Cat

public final void Cat()
  throws ParseException;

O Type

public final void Type()
  throws ParseException;

O TypeTuple

public final void TypeTuple()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpAtom

public final void ExpAtom()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpTuple

public final void ExpTuple()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpLiteral

public final void ExpLiteral()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpApp

public final void ExpApp()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpAppInfix

public final void ExpAppInfix()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpComp

public final void ExpComp()
  throws ParseException;

O Exp

public final void Exp()
  throws ParseException;

O ExpBlock

public final void ExpBlock()
  throws ParseException;

O Pat

public final void Pat()
  throws ParseException;

O PatTuple

public final void PatTuple()
  throws ParseException;

O Dec

public final void Dec()
  throws ParseException;

O DecAtom

public final void DecAtom()
  throws ParseException;

O DecNonAtom

public final void DecNonAtom()
  throws ParseException;

O Con

public final void Con()
  throws ParseException;

O ConAtom

public final void ConAtom()
  throws ParseException;

O Id

public final void Id()
  throws ParseException;

O ReInit

public void ReInit(InputStream stream);

O ReInit

public void ReInit(Reader stream);

O ReInit

public void ReInit(PremonJJTParserTokenManager tm);

O getNextToken

public final Token getNextToken();

O getToken

public final Token getToken(int index);

O generateParseException

public final ParseException generateParseException();

O enable_tracing

public final void enable_tracing();

O disable_tracing

public final void disable_tracing();

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