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public abstract class PremonTarget

(source file: PremonTarget.java)

The pure class interface.
public abstract class PremonTarget
A class used by the source editor, which allows either the constructors, the context, or the term to be edited.

Alan Jeffrey
Version: v1.0 1998/06/03

Constuctor Index

O PremonTarget()

Variables Index

O desugared
The desugared version of the text being edited.
O name
The name of the class being edited.
O parsed
The parsed version of the text being edited.
O text
The raw text being edited.


O desugar()
Desugar it.
O parse(String)
Parse it.
O reset()
Reset it to the original value.


O PremonTarget
public PremonTarget();


O text
public Printable text;
The raw text being edited.

O parsed

public Printable parsed;
The parsed version of the text being edited.

O desugared

public Printable desugared;
The desugared version of the text being edited.

O name

public String name;
The name of the class being edited.


O desugar
public abstract void desugar()
  throws TypeError;
Desugar it.

TypeError -if the new term is not typesafe.

O parse

public abstract void parse(String s)
  throws ParseException;
Parse it.

s - the string to parse.
ParseException -if the new term is not syntactically well formed.

O reset

public abstract void reset();
Reset it to the original value.

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