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public class PremonTypeFun

(source file: PremonTypeFun.java)

The pure class interface.
public class PremonTypeFun
  extends PremonType
A function type.

Alan Jeffrey
Version: v1.0 1998/06/02

Constuctor Index

O PremonTypeFun(PremonCat, PremonType, PremonType)
Create a new function type.

Variables Index

O cat
The category of the function.
O source
The source type of the function.
O target
The target type of the function.


O equals(PremonType)
O print(Printer)
O semantics()
The semantics is given using the appropriate function space.
O traceable()
This type is traceable iff C is proc or (C is


O PremonTypeFun
public PremonTypeFun(PremonCat cat,
                     PremonType source,
                     PremonType target);
Create a new function type.

cat - the category of the function.
source - the argument type.
U - the result type.


O cat
public PremonCat cat;
The category of the function.

O source

public PremonType source;
The source type of the function.

O target

public PremonType target;
The target type of the function.


O print
public void print(Printer p);

O semantics

public Obj semantics();
The semantics is given using the appropriate function space.

[[T]] [[U]] if C is val, [[T]] [[U]] if C is central, and [[T]] [[U]] if C is proc.
semantics in class PremonType

O equals

public boolean equals(PremonType V);

O traceable

public boolean traceable();
This type is traceable iff C is proc or (C is val and U is traceable).

traceable in class PremonType

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