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public class PremonVarPrimitive

(source file: PremonVarPrimitive.java)

The pure class interface.
public class PremonVarPrimitive
  extends PremonVar
This class represents the syntactic class of primitive functions. There is a bit of a hack here, where primitive functions are drawn curried, to improve their appearance. The curryings parameter says how many times the function should be curried before being drawn (for example for val +(int,int):int it's one, but for proc if(bool)(proc():int)(proc():int):int it's three).

Constuctor Index

O PremonVarPrimitive(String, PremonType)
Create a new primitive function with no currying.
O PremonVarPrimitive(String, PremonType, int)
Create a new primitive function.


O print(Printer)
O semantics()


O PremonVarPrimitive
public PremonVarPrimitive(String name,
                          PremonType type,
                          int curryings);
Create a new primitive function.

name - the name of the function
type - the type of the function
curryings - how many times to curry the function before drawing it.

O PremonVarPrimitive

public PremonVarPrimitive(String name,
                          PremonType type);
Create a new primitive function with no currying.

name - the name of the function
type - the type of the function


O print
public void print(Printer p);

O semantics

public Mor semantics();

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